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What goes around comes around

By Abosede Tobi David

I’m sorry but I can’t do this anymore. I’m just gonna let you
be and move on.
I heard him say those words and it stung like hell. It kept on
playing in my head over and over again. Why did it hurt so
much? Why did it make me feel empty inside? Wasn’t I the
one that turned him down on so many occasions when he
made a move on me?
I mean the sex was amazing and the hangouts were fun but
the moment he tried putting a label on what we had, I cut off
and ran. Then I began avoiding him, not picking his calls,
giving flimsy excuses. I wasn’t ready to label what we had, it
was good the way it was, or so I thought. Why he wanted to
define us was a blur to me, maybe not such a blur but I just
wasn’t ready for it.
So began the late nights, the random calls and hookups but
only when I wanted it. When I felt lonely or was horny.
When I needed the company and needed to lower my stress
It was fun at first and he played along. I would creep into his
house late in the night while he was asleep as I had a key and
once we were done I would leave. I made it a point never to
stay over till morning. We usually go see a random movie,
the last showing on a week night, knowing well that there
will just be a few people and we would end up shagging at
the top corner, at the back of the viewing room, or the
bathroom, or the parking lot, or on a lonely street on our way
home. It was adventurous and the tension added to the whole
excitement, making our chemistry and orgasms explosive.
Then, everything changed. He started avoiding me, stopped
picking my calls at late hours, giving me flimsy excuses like,
that he was busy or tired. Please! I use those excuses too. We
were still hooking up but it was on a rare.
On this cold lonely night, I was restless and couldn’t sleep so
I decided to take a trip down to his place. He had called me
earlier that day but I didn’t pick. I wore my long coat with
nothing under but my underwear. I know its so cliché but
c’mon I was horny and him seeing me this way would make
it hard for him to resist.
I drove down to his place and when I tired getting in, the
door wouldn’t budge. I tried the key and it didn’t work, I
even tried all the keys in my bunch but still nothing. That was
stupid, I know right? But maybe I wasn’t just thinking. Then
it hit me. He had changed his locks! Wow! I never saw that
coming. So I called him up a few times before he picked and
told him I was at his door. If he thought that was going to
stop me then he had another thing coming.
He was cold. I had never seen him like that before. He asked
me what I wanted and didn’t let me touch him or come close.
He didn’t even let me go into his room and told me there was
someone else in there.
“I’m sorry but I can’t do this anymore. I’m just gonna let
you be and move on.” He finally said.
I was shocked. I didn’t expect this. He had shut me out
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You see ehn, there comes to a point in a man’s life where he
keeps seeing someone in his future. A point when you
couldn’t go a day without thinking about that person. A point
when you feel that she’s the last piece of the puzzle missing
in your life. She was the one. I wanted to scream and shout
and show her I was for real. I needed her to complete my life.
I mean it l was going great; we were seeing each other a lot
and the sex? Oh my gosh! The sex was awesome! Especially
in public places yea. We took public display of affection to a
whole new level. What more do you want from a girl who
can communicate well, is an amazing cook, whoop your ass
when playing FIFA 14 and still be able to screw your brains
out. The head! Ah, don’t get me started about the head.
I’m the cream of the crop. I’m as bad as they come. I’ve not
only seen it all, I’ve done it and them all. So I can tell you
from the beginning to the end about how women will act but
what I’m not certain about is what exactly they want. Like
seriously, what do women really want? They tell you they
want a particular thing and then their body language will tell
you they want something else.
Okay, so it was going great between us and everything was
at one. I knew she was the one I wanted to spend forever
with. I felt she was going to want more. I mean girls at some
point always want something more sooner or later, even
though it’s all you’ve got that you offering them. She on the
other hand, I was ready to give my all and settle down with
I took her out on this particular night and we had our usual
crazy fun. We were lying down cuddling and laughing about
something random when I told her I wanted us to become
exclusive and take what we have seriously.
”I’ve been thinking about it for a while, seeing how great we
are with each other, what do you think?” I said.
I didn’t even get a reply, everything just changed.
I started seeing less and less of her. She stopped picking my
calls and when she did, she would tell me something stupid.
Yeah, it was stupid to me. She never saw me when I wanted
her to, she would just show up randomly, most times when I
was asleep at home and disappear before the morning comes.
We hardly hung out and when we did, she never crashed
over. I played along at first, hoping she would realize I was
there to stay but it didn’t get any better. She was in control of
the whole ball game and that wasn’t cool with me.
On this particular day I called her and she didn’t pick. I had
had it. I changed my locks out of annoyance, went out later
that evening and got myself one fine ass chika. I got a call
from my favorite late night caller that night, she was at the
door and couldn’t get in.
It was killing me inside. I didn’t want to act this way towards
her but I had to, I was left with no choice. I just kept my
poker face on, acted indifferently and moved away she tried
to come close. I wanted to hold her, wanted to touch her,
wanted to satisfy the fire burning inside me just in need of
her but instead I told her I wasn’t going to chase or want her
I didn’t mean it and I just prayed I hadn’t lost her forever.
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I was shocked beyond words. I should have known he was
going to shut me out sooner or later, didn’t just expect it so
soon. It was all clear to me now, I was in love with him and
all I had to do was just open up and let how I felt flow but I
didn’t. I left his place that night hoping I hadn’t lost him
Now I know there’s a difference between ‘shutting the door’
and ‘the door being shut on you’.

What goes around comes around What goes around comes around Reviewed by Entertainment on 03:42:00 Rating: 5

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